Thursday, April 19, 2012

You, My Dear, Are An Inspiration

Today, I woke up. My computer didn't work. My chest ached from being sick. I stayed in bed.
Half asleep, I looked up to see my fiance holding a cup of coffee, rubbing my back, and kissing my forehead. Not quite being awake, it felt like a dream. Now being completely wake and looking back on that moment, it still feels like a dream. I am overcome with complete and unconditional love. It's moments like that, may they seem small and insignificant to the "big" picture, that are truly the ones that I cherish the most. It's moments like that that make you realize that the small moment are the big picture. Everything makes up the big picture. The big picture is life, and we are living it as we speak. Life is just a dream turned into an amazing reality.

"I think everything in life is art
What you do.
How you dress.
The way you love someone, and how you talk.
Your smile and your personality.
What you believe in, and all your dreams.
The way you drink your tea.
How you decorate your home
Or party.
Your grocery list.
The food you make.
how your writing looks.
and the way you feel.
Life is art."

Whenever I feel down, or lost, or have a creative blog I make sure to stop thinking of what it is I'm trying to make. Instead, I do the exact opposite. I go for a walk. I sit outside and watch the sky. I talk to my stepfather. I talk to my grandmother, even though I know they can't answer me (in a conventional way, at least). I look at the trees. I walk to the beach and just sit on the sand. Maybe I'll find a rock or a shell or notice the texture of something that will spark an idea. 

Take a notebook with you everywhere. Whether its to the store, to the coffee shop, or on a walk. Just throw it in your purse and don't think about it until you spark an idea or see something that makes you want to create. Or even something you don't know makes you creative, but rather a simple texture, object, or word that gives you that feeling. The feeling of wholeness. The feeling of  you don't know what, but "this could be something". Because it could. Everything could "be something". Everything is something. 
It's all connected. 

Love. Be Loved. 
Inspire. Be Inspired. 

Life is an Art. Get Creative!

"Do Something Today That Your Future Self Will Thank You For..."


Today You Will Make Something Beautiful.


DivineLuluCreations said...

Beautiful post erin!

Anonymous said...

Love this Erin!

Unknown said...

Wow, this IS a beautiful post! ♥

Unknown said...


Jayne said...

you are inspiring!