About Me

Who Are You?? (said the caterpillar)

I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have changed several times since then.

Who am I? I am what I want to be. 
I want to be successful. 
I want to be nice. 
I want to be connected with nature.
I want to be creative. 
I want to be loved an I want to love.
I want to be silly.
I want to be aware.
I want to be happy.
I want to be helpful.
I want to stand out.
I want to shine.
I want to be pretty....from the inside out.
I want to be defined as what I bring into to the world.
I want to do good.

Therefore, I am all of these things.
 I am The Pretty Do-Good.

More formally, my name is Erin. I'm 24 and I am a designer. I have an etsy shop called The Pretty Do-Good and also sell at stores and local fairs. I am marrying my best friend. I'm the type of person that if I set my mind to it, it will happen. My parents greatly influenced me that way. My mother is one of my best friends and a person I look up to.

Follow you dreams. Be the type of person you want to be. Care about others. 

"What goes around comes around" as my stepfather would say. He was a very big believer in karma and one of the best people ever to walk this planet. He followed his dream. He was a husband, a father, and a business owner, all the while being the type of person who would go above and beyond to help someone. Because of that amazing influence, I have similar goals. Even in his passing, he helps me achieve my dreams and pushes me in the right direction every single day.

My fiance is the greatest part of my life. He embodies everything I could ever want in a husband. He is there for me and encourages me to do what I love. He is my biggest supporter and the best thing to ever happen to me (as cliche as this all sounds, its true!). My soulmate, my other half....my love.♥

All these people help me to be who I am...who I want to be.



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