Monday, April 30, 2012

Tumblr? Now what?

To Tumblr or not to Tumblr?
I did it! I made one! and its actually kind of fun.

Are you on Tumblr?
As far as I can tell its like a blog in baby stage. You just post pics and quotes, etc...
 And make it short and sweet!
(My kinda thing!)

Well, Here's my link if ya want to check it out!

Tomorrow, I'm going AWOL from boot camp!
I'm excited to be getting "out" for a bit, but I actually really like boot camp. It's been incredibly helpful making me expand my horizons. I started a blog (yay!), a tumblr, grew an obsession with pinterest, etc...

Alas, tomorrow I will be missing. Well, not missing. In NYC to be exact. 
Ya see, its our anniversary and that darling man of mine and I are going to Central Park

And the ZOO
We're like little kids hehe.

So, I bid you farewell for a couple days! Hold down the fort for me, would ya?

(an oldie, but a goodie)


Jayne said...

Ain't you sweet! Have a great time and don't feed the animals...Russ can feed you though!

Unknown said...

Have fun Chic a dee''' stay on THIS side of the cages will ya?? teehee

Unknown said...

Have a wonderful time!!! But if we have to fly a plane tomorrow I am calling you!