Friday, April 20, 2012

I Will Be A Success....You Can Too!

 Having a dream is great. 
Making that dream a reality? Even better.

I've found that in order to achieve that, you need goals. And you need to work towards them constantly.

Have short term goals and have long term goals. 
Have goals that are fairly simple to achieve and have goals that give you that push you've been looking for.

Having my own business is hard.But its mine. And I love it. I love what I do and I love knowing that people enjoy my work as well. In order to grow that business, I need a plan. I need a positive attitude. And I need goals.

So let's make some, shall we?


(Short Term)

1. Develop a concise business plan. What am I looking to achieve besides "um sell my stuff?"
2. Make a budget. What percentage of profit will I set aside? What percentage will go back into my business?
3. Create an online presence. Utilize my blog, gain followers. Utilize twitter, facebook, etc...
4. Develop a logo. Work on branding...something I feel I am currently lacking.
5. Make sales goals. Track sales in increments of 50 (currently at 190 today) and come up with a small "reward" to keep me motivated. 

(Long Term)

1. Expand. Open up shop outside of Etsy as well. physical and other online venues
2. Be featured in well known Fashion Magazines and other "Big Names" 
3. Make a good living doing what I love!! ...self explanatory :)
4. Become a top/well known seller on Etsy. Be on the front page more often. Be a name people know
5. Be an inspiration. Inspire other young artists that they can do what they love in life and be successful and happy doing so!

With my short term goals, I'm giving myself 6months to complete all. #5, however, is ongoing.
My longterm goals I would love achieve within the next couple years of growing my business.
 I want to look back on this list and go "hey, I did all that!"

 Make some... You CAN achieve them!

And Remember.... the best way to achieve your dreams is to wake up and work for them...♥
You are your best employer. Your best employee. And your best cheerleader.

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