Saturday, April 28, 2012

How Does Your Garden Grow?

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So, today I will be doing something I've never done before but always wanted to do...
Starting an Herb Garden!

Now, I don't have a big house with a big back yard, but I do have ideas and resources.
And pinterest! 

So, I found the perfect idea for me! 
Growing seedlings in recycled containers...

I'm already recycle and re-use, so it should be simple to make planters!
I will be using coffee cans, other tin cans, and bottles.

I'm really excited about this! I do my best to eat really healthy and LOVE fresh fruits, veggies, herbs, you name it!

I'm doing a lot of research, making planters, and ultimately getting seeds!!

So, How do I turn this into a garden?

Thanks to:

You can take plastic bottles, tin cans, glass jars....
and make them into planters when you dont have much space.

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(picture from the website

The website showed me how to turn plastic bottles into self watering planters! Too cool.

Also, I found some great ideas on Pinterest and pinned them here:

Take a look around. Maybe you'll find the inspiration to start a garden too!


Christawr said...

sounds like lots of fun :)

Anonymous said...

How cool! Wonderful, resourceful ideas...good for you!

Unknown said...

Wonderful good luck with your garden!