Monday, April 23, 2012

Busy, But Good!

Oh today was a busy day!
But a good day.

My Morning: 
Wake up. Go back to sleep. Repeat x3 with advil in between.

My Afternoon:
BOOT CAMP....of course :) I started a website, YAY!  
It's a work in progress, but all good websites are. Here it is:
(will eventually be ditching the "webs" at the end of it though)

My Night: 
A blissful blog with you folks! And makin' jewelry. 
And listening to Hubby-to-be play his new bass.

Shhh Don't Tell him he's on my blog!

Well, Have a good one! 

And Tonight, Remember:
"Go to bed with a dream, wake up with a purpose."


Unknown said...

We did have a busy day today! But I feel like it was a very good one! Keep on Rocking!

Unknown said...

OH boy, busy is good and for a Monday! :O) Sure hope your feeling yourself soon... Take care of yourself and see you at Boot Camp! ♥

Anonymous said...

Awesome job on the website Erin! Looks top notch!